You can also become a member or renew by mail or in person at the library - Nutley Public Library 93 Booth Drive, Nutley NJ 07110 Attn: Friends
DUES: $15 Individual | $25 Family | $10 Senior | $50 Group, Association or Business
Coming Up!
Thursday, March 6: FRIENDS MEETING at 5:30, in person and on Zoom
Tuesday Feb. 4: FRIENDS BOOK CLUB: 1pm in the Stockton Room. We'll be reading Pride and Prejudice. Flyer below.
Friday, Jan 17: VIOLANTE'S FUNDRAISER FRIDAY! Please see flyer below
Tuesday, Feb 11: LUNA FUNDRAISER - Flyer below
Wednesday, Mar 19: CHRIS & ANGIE'S FUNDRAISER - see flyer
Wednesday, Apr 9: BOOK SALE: April 9 (preview) - April 12
Do You Have a Friends T-shirt?
Support the Friends by purchasing our T-shirt! Stop in at the library to purchase one (or place an order online), and thank library assistant Anais, our T-shirt artist, for doing an amazing design job!
And stop by the circulation desk at the Library to see the other goodies sold by the Friends: cute silcone baby bibs, magnetic chip clips, flash drives, buttons, magnets, mirrors, flashlight pens and more!
IMPORTANT INFO: Member Directory is available!
Our website has a Member Directory where you can
look up contact info for Friends members.
Just click on My Account on the top toolbar
and you can select DIRECTORY from the drop down list.